Production - service plant DELKAR based in Zgórsko near Kielce was established in 1976. We produce the steel structures and accessories of the electroenergy grids, the lightning protection installations, metal accessories to suspended ceilings, as well as the elements for buildings of interiors. We supply with our products over 150 electroenergy wholesalers all over the country. Part of our production is exported to Eastern and Western Europe countries.
Osoba do kontaktu: | Agnieszka Pawlik |
NIP: 6570385000 |
Godziny otwarcia: |
Kraj: | Polska |
Regon: 003690040 |
Województwo: | Świętokrzyskie |
Pn-Pt: 07:30 - 15:30 |
Miejscowość: | Zgórsko |
Numer telefonu: +48 693130343 |
Sobota: - |
Kod pocztowy: | 26-052 |
Telefon komórkowy: +48 |
Niedziela: - |
Ulica: | Leśna |
Fax:+48 |
Numer domu: | 18 |
Adres strony www: |
Numer mieszkania: | |
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