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IRCenter provides intelligence in digital, social and mobile marketing activities. On the basis of data on consumer’s behavior gathered with scanning technologies and reaching consumers in their natural environment, we deliver insights and knowledge necessary to create and evaluate brands’ activities in new media technologies. Our mission is to deliver knowledge tailored to the needs of our partners. Each of our research and report is customized for particular brands and agencies.
Osoba do kontaktu: Albert Hupa NIP: 1132743365 Godziny otwarcia:
Kraj: Polska Regon: 141534583
Województwo: Mazowieckie Pn-Pt: 09:00 - 17:00
Miejscowość: Warszawa Numer telefonu: +48 221270740 Sobota: -
Kod pocztowy: 01-031 Telefon komórkowy: +48 696435672 Niedziela: -
Ulica: Jana Pawła II Fax:+48 221269751
Numer domu: 61 Adres strony www:
Numer mieszkania: 164 www.ircenter.com
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